“I will not rescue you, for you are not powerless.
I will not fix you, for you are not broken.
I will not heal you, for I see you in your wholeness.
I will walk with you through the darkness,
as you remember your light.”
Medicine woman
“I will not rescue you,
for you are not powerless.
I will not fix you,
for you are not broken.
I will not heal you,
for I see you in your wholeness.
I will walk with you through the darkness,
as you remember your light.”
Medicine woman
In-Presence Therapy
I offer you a safe space where you will be listened to, understood without judgment, and where you will be free to express your true self. I provide services in English, Spanish, and Danish.
Member of the Danish Psychotherapy Association
It is every person’s birthright to experience unconditional acceptance and deep respect within a safe emotional environment. Yet, such experiences are often rare.
I extend to you my compassionate presence to walk alongside you, whether it’s to celebrate your triumphs or navigate your challenges. You set the direction and the pace; I’ll be with you every step of the way, no matter how far we venture.
Our work together will assist you in discovering more of your inner world, including your thoughts, emotions, needs, beliefs and values. You will learn to relate to yourself more fully, without judging certain aspects as good or bad, desirable or undesirable.
Instead, our focus will be on embracing your complete self, reinforcing certain aspects while finding balance in others as you progress toward becoming the person you aspire to be.
As we collaborate, you will feel
Attended to
My unwavering presence is by your side
I accept you as you are, without judgment, embracing your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with an open heart and no conditions
I respect your individuality, validating your experiences, perspectives, and values, without wanting to change you
I foster a safe, trusting space for you to explore and express your emotions, without interpreting your life
I believe in you and your ability to fulfill your unique potential
While I am on your side, you own your process, which means that your victories are yours
Individually, our work will bring you more
You will love and accept yourself for who you are
You will deepen your understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors
You will learn to communicate more effectively and consciously
As you learn to identify and acknowledge your needs, you will gain greater control in meeting them
You will become more resourceful when confronting uncertainty. Fear may remain, but it won’t hold you back
In your relationships, our work will bring you more
As you understand yourself better, you will be better at feeling and understanding others
As you learn to relate better to yourself, you will relate to others more authentically and meaningfully
As you learn to trust yourself with calm authority, you will become less defensive and experience more joyful relationships
As you cultivate your own individuality, you will become more tolerant and better appreciate diversity
As you trust yourself more, you will become more available to connect with others on a deeper level
Resources and other musings
Taming Fear and Uncertainty
FearFear is one of the oldest and most profound emotions that humans can experience. Evidence...
Therapeutic Presence
As a psychotherapist, for me the therapeutic presence is a unique way of being with my clients...
In-person in Copenhagen (Denmark)
Online for the rest of Europe